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California Table Grape Snapshot

California Table Grape Snapshot

The sun shines brightly over California’s seemingly endless miles of table grape vineyards. A drive across the San Joaquin Valley sends me searching for the little globes, and I can’t help but imagine them sitting promptly at the center of retail displays. Adorning more than just tables, several of these flavorful varieties played a role in driving retail dollars this summer, and California isn’t finished just yet...

Summer Royal

Season: MAY–OCT

Color: Black

Size: Medium

Shape: Round to slightly oval

Seeds? No

Midnight Beauty


Season: JUN–SEP

Color: Blue-black

Size: Large

Shape: Elongated

Seeds? No

Sweet Sapphire®


Season: AUG–SEP

Color: Blue-black

Size: Medium–large

Shape: Elongated with dimple

Seeds? No

Autumn Royal

Season: AUG–JAN

Color: Black

Size: Large

Shape: Oval, elongated

Seeds? No

Arra Mystic Dream®

Arra Thirtytwo

Season: SEP–NOV

Color: Black

Size: Large–extra large

Shape: Oval

Seeds? No


Season: JUL–AUG

Color: Red

Size: Large

Shape: Elongated    

Seeds? No

Flame Seedless

Season: MAY–OCT

Color: Red

Size: Medium

Shape: Round

Seeds? No

Sweet Celebration®

IFG 68-175

Season: JUL–DEC

Color: Red

Size: Large

Shape: Oval

Seeds? No

Passion Fire™

Arra Twentynine

Season: JUN–AUG

Color: Fiery red

Size: Large–extra large

Shape: Oval

Seeds? No

Red Globe

Season: JUL–JAN

Color: Red

Size: Very large

Shape: Round

Seeds? Yes

Scarlet Royal

Season: JUN–JAN

Color: Red

Size: Large

Shape: Oval   

Seeds? No

Sweet Scarlet

Season: AUG–NOV

Color: Vibrant pink

Size: Medium–large

Shape: Oval

Seeds? No

Crimson Seedless

Season: AUG–JAN

Color: Red

Size: Medium

Shape: Cylindrical

Seeds? No



Season: SEP–DEC 

Color: Red 

Size: Very large

Shape: Round 

Seeds? No


Allison®, Fall Bliss™

Season: AUG–JAN

Color: Red

Size: Large

Shape: Oval

Seeds? No

Scarlotta Seedless®


Season: SEP–JAN

Color: Red to dark red

Size: Large

Shape: Oval, elongated

Seeds? No

Arra Passion Punch®

Arra Twentyeight

Season: SEP–OCT

Color: Pinkish-red 

Size: Large–extra large

Shape: Oval

Seeds? No

Sweet Carnival®

Season: AUG–DEC

Color: Golden

Size: Large

Shape: Elongated

Seeds? No

Jack's Salute®


Season: SEP–OCT

Color: Soft red

Size: Large

Shape: Elongated 

Seeds? No

Superior Seedless®


Season: MAY–SEP

Color: Green

Size: Large

Shape: Oval, elongated

Seeds? No

*some fruit sold under license as superior seedless

Arra Sugar Drop™

Arra Thirty

Season: JUN–JUL

Color: Creamy green

Size: Large

Shape: Elongated

Seeds? No


Season: JUL–OCT

Color: Green

Size: Large

Shape: Cylindrical

Seeds? No


Ivory®, Sugar Crunch®, and Summer Crunch

Season: JUN–NOV

Color: Green

Size: Large

Shape: Round to oval

Seeds? No

Stella Bella®

Season: JUL–OCT

Color: Green

Size: Large

Shape: Elongated

Seeds? No

Sweet Globe


Season: JUN–NOV

Color: Creamy green

Size: Medium–large

Shape: Cylindrical

Seeds? No


Blanc Seedless

Season: JUL–DEC

Color: Green

Size: Very large

Shape: Elongated

Seeds? No


Arra Fifteen

Season: JUL–SEP

Color: Bright green

Size: Exceptionally large

Shape: Elongated

Seeds? No

Autumn King

Season: AUG–JAN

Color: Green

Size: Very large

Shape: Cylindrical to oval

Seeds? No

Sources: Information from California Table Grape Commission, The Snack, and AndNowUKnow Table Grape Grower Contributors