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Citrus SnackChat

Citrus SnackChat

Long before citrus was synonymous with summer, the zesty fruits stood in the pantheon of wintry halls. What began as a beloved Christmas tradition, the gesture of leaving oranges in the toes of stockings, once equated the category to literal gold. Continuing this gold allusion, the category is keeping consumers hungry for varieties 365 days a year. We turned to those companies within the industry who know citrus best—and know how to ramp up holiday excitement even more…

“The fall and winter months are perfect for marketing citrus since there are so many varieties that are unique to the season! Showcasing the nutritional benefits, as well as different ways consumers can utilize them in their diet, acts as great introductions to varieties that shoppers may otherwise be unfamiliar with.”


“Citrus has a long history of being gifted during the holidays, and it’s a lovely way to brighten a dreary winter day. This year especially, its immune-boosting properties make it a treasure to be appreciated. Reminding consumers that gift packs make a unique host/hostess gift is a great way to increase impulse purchases. Some of the season’s best cocktails feature grapefruit and other citrus fruits as an ingredient and garnish (think Moscow Mules, Palomas, and Whiskey Sours). A craft cocktail is always a fun and special touch at holiday gatherings, but it can get lost in the mix when planning. I’d love to walk into my store and see all the ingredients for a festive holiday drink merchandised together so that I can just grab and go.”

“A great way for retailers to merchandise citrus during the holiday season is through cross-promotion. By placing citrus with other items or ingredients for specific holiday dishes—think Lemon Glazed Pound Cake or Cranberry Clementine Dressing—retailers can easily increase the chance for purchase!”

“For us, the holidays are the perfect time of year to kick off the beginning of citrus season. Sunkist offers retailers decorative holiday and Lunar New Year 10 lb cartons for Navel oranges, which are sweet, seedless, and a timeless classic. We are also joyful during this time for the return of our specialty varieties. The Sunkist Cara Cara orange is called The Power Orange™ because of its vitamin C content—you can get 100 percent of your recommended daily vitamin C intake in just one orange. Another orange variety celebrated is the Sunkist Blood orange known for its vibrant maroon color interior and distinct orange taste with a hint of raspberry. Sunkist offers nearly 40 different citrus varieties and has a lot to offer to brighten up your favorite holiday recipes, including drinks, dishes, and desserts. The best way to market the great selection of Sunkist citrus is by creating a citrus destination with secondary display bins and customizable point-of-sale (POS). Citrus continues to see an increase in consumer demand, and our marketing programs focus on the health benefits and nutritious attributes of citrus, along with highlighting our unique flavor profiles and the versatility of our fruit.”


“This year, citrus established itself as a dynamo in the produce department as shoppers sought ways to boost their immunity through a healthier diet. For the winter season, we expect continued interest in fresh citrus given consumers’ desire for produce that is high in vitamin C. We have a robust offering of California-grown citrus perfect for seasonal promotions that focus on nutrition and recipes for the entire family. Varieties like Cara Cara oranges, Minneola tangelos, and mandarins are attracting increased attention from consumers for snacking, salads, and desserts, and Valencia oranges are in demand for juicing. Some of our favorite ways to prepare citrus include adding fresh juice to fruit smoothies in the morning, topping a chicken salad with fresh mandarin slices for lunch, or blending and freezing two or three specialty citrus varieties together for a refreshing, light sorbet.”

“The holiday season is a great opportunity for retailers to elevate citrus in stores. As a result of COVID-19, we’ve seen a huge upward trend toward bagged fruit. Retailers should promote the benefit of packaged citrus and the nutritional value of vitamin C during the cold winter months with big displays to drive demand for citrus.”


“One way to help grocery stores and retail dietitians engage with their customers is by providing recipe inspiration, nutrition facts, and various health benefits of produce. Within the grocery store, signage and recipe cards near produce is a great option. Social media is also a powerful way to reach consumers before they even set foot in the store. Social media posts that feature recipes, DIY, and lifestyle uses for produce is great especially around the holidays! For example, every week we share a new video featuring ways to enjoy Limoneira citrus at On Instagram @LimoneriaCo, we share citrus focused content created by our Peelin’ Good Tour influencers along with weekly new Limoneira recipes. Citrus is a versatile fruit that is great year-round and is wonderful in savory and sweet dishes. During the fall and winter months, when baking and cooking may increase due to the holidays, citrus fruits are a must for a healthy holiday! Nutritionally, citrus fruits contain vitamin C which supports immune health. Citrus fruit peels contain a compound known as d‑limonene which has anti-inflammatory properties. I always encourage use of both citrus flesh and peel in recipes to prevent food waste and for a boost of nutrition!”


“This holiday season will be different than most, and retailers should keep the shift in consumer preferences and behavior in mind. Consumers are shopping less frequently, but purchasing more per trip. They are also looking for immunity-boosting fruits and seeking out larger packs. Mandarins remain a dominant citrus item and will again drive your winter citrus category. Retailers should make sure to capture both their in-store and online shoppers with front lobby displays and digital activations for a simple shopping experience.” 

Citrus SnackChat