Peruvian Onions

My Favorite Things

Corrie Hutchens, Co-Founder, Girl Crush Brands, and President, Brandbeat Consulting

It takes great skill to perform the tasks assigned to you, and it takes a true brand aficionado to do that for multiple companies. Enter Corrie Hutchens, Co-Founder of Girl Crush Brands and President of Brandbeat Consulting in addition to heading up marketing for Pete’s and Pacific Trellis Fruit. Deftly weaving her prowess and deep industry understanding, Corrie tackles the challenges laid in front of her to meet the needs of varying categories. But how does the fresh produce marketing trailblazer fuel her workday? Dive in as we explore some of her favorites...

  • Youth Sports
  • Fleetwood Mac
  • Spicy Margaritas
  • Traveling with My Family
  • Positano, Italy
  • The Midwest
  • My Animals
  • Boating
  • Butter Cake

"Watching my kids play competitive softball and baseball is amazing."
"Love this band enough that I even named my dog after one of the singers."
"I enjoy margaritas so much that I just started a side hustle crafting and selling them."
"Traveling with my husband and kids is wonderful."
"Sipping limoncello on the Amalfi Coast will forever have my heart."
"Born and raised; enjoy every minute I get to spend back home."
"Spending time with my furry friends, Cherry and Stevie."
"Soaking up time on the ocean and checking out sea life at California’s Channel Islands is a great pastime."
"If you ever want to know what Heaven tastes like, order a butter cake."