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California Grape Snapshot

California Grape Snapshot

Green, red, black, and beyond, grapes are a produce aisle mainstay that have transcended time, trends, and tradition. With category gusto aplenty and innovation always on the rise, consumers are in love with these vine-ripened beauties. Shoppers on a constant quest for the fruit’s dreamy crunch become instant fans when they uncover the perfect bunch of grapes. To find out where the robust category falls in the market today, check out these table grape stats from our friends at California Table Grape Commission…

California grows 99% of the commercially grown table grapes in the United States

80 varieties of grapes are grown in California

Table Grapes season runs May through January

92% of grape purchasers would prefer to buy fresh grapes from California versus grapes that were imported from another country if the price of both were the same.

73% of grape purchasers would prefer to buy fresh grapes from California versus fresh grapes that were imported from another country if the California grapes were priced higher.

Source: California Table Grape Commission