Ippolito International - Brussels Bites™Peruvian Onions

My Favorite Things

Victoria Lopez, marketing and brand manager, Fox Packaging

You can know someone for ages and hardly know them at all until you ask the right questions. Despite working with Victoria Lopez for several years, I had no idea she’d founded a nonprofit or is learning to speak Korean. We’ve connected over many common passions in the past, and still the Marketing and Brand Manager for Fox Packaging is full of surprises. Discover her keen mind, her big heart, and her multifaceted personality in these favorite things…

  • Family
  • London Fog
  • Unfolded: Poetry Project
  • Reading and Writing
  • South Korea
  • Packaging and Sustainability
  • Fresh Produce
  • Thrifting
  • Spicy Food

"My family is my foundation. They are my best friends."
"This drink is so comforting, I always have tea bags with me just in case."
"I founded a nonprofit organization that aims to inspire individuality through poetry. We teach free workshops!"
"Learning about yourself through other people’s insights is inspiring."
"I’ve been learning the language for over a year and could order my meals when I visited."
"Packaging is in our everyday life, we need to treat it responsibly and respectfully."
"The opportunities are endless; make it savory or sweet—always the perfect snack!"
"I love secondhand—finding a great look at a deal?! Brag worthy."
"Salsa, candy, peppers―it’s my 'treat yourself' reward."