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Mango Snapshot

Mango Snapshot

One of the Kings of Fruit resides in a class of its own, raising the prowess of the fresh produce department to new levels and engaging the consumer’s interest on the flavor, differentiation, and value fronts. As the category experiences a boost as demand drives purchasing power, we thought we’d check in on some of the stats defining the mango madness we all relish in...


Retail Dollars

Whole Mango, 2019: $325 Million (Up 8%)

Fresh-Cut Mango, 2019: $79.6 Million (Up 10.5%)

Retail Volume

Whole Mango, 2019: 346 Million lb (Up 2%)

Organic Mango, 2019: 4.35 Million lb (Down 5%)

Total mango volume

Imported in 2019: 119.5 Million Boxes

Total mango value

In 2019: $635 Million

Mango per capita availability

In 2019: 3.25 lbs Per Person (Up 2.5%)

Performance By Region

Sources: Nielsen Answers on Demand® (52 weeks ending 12/28/19) Total U.S. xAOC, National Mango Board, USDA_AMS, USDA_FAS