Sweeten your everyday!

WTF Do I Do With
Orchard View Cherries ?!

‐ Cherries “Al Fresco” ‐

2–3 handfuls Orchard View Cherries

1 quart cold tap water

1 colander

1 comfortable spot, ideally on a patio with a gentle breeze


Prep Time: 100 years of cherry craftsmanship

Servings: For one, or with a friend if you’re feeling generous

Eating Time: One precious moment

1 Place deliciously sweet Orchard View Cherries in colander.

2 Run tap until water is cold to the touch, place colander underneath, and gently rinse cherries for 10–15 seconds.

3 Let drip dry and place in a serving bowl.

4 Find a quiet spot to sit and thoroughly enjoy!

To learn more about Orchard View Cherries, visit www.OrchardView.com